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- File created by Linda Murphy (C) NEXUS June 18, 1989
- Another Viewpoint: WHAT STARTED WORLD WAR II? A response to the Fencwick
- interview.
- In the FENWICK.TXT file, an Interview done by Tom Mickus last year, created
- some rather unusual repercusions in the UFO community, Fenwick talks about
- Hitler and WW 2. Let's look at a couple of excerpts from the lengthy interview.
- 1) "We talked about things other than UFOlogy for most of the time. As we left
- the property...we were about 35-40 feet away from Bob, and he called out to us.
- [and] he made this statement...and we wrote it down in the car, 'What was the
- cause of WWII?' He had been told...,the classified information about
- programming of Hitler..to cause WW II. And we did an article about the case,
- with the exception of that statement. As we thought it didn't fit in."
- 2) "We also discussed why the aliens view the human's as a "failed experiment".
- 3) "When referring to the programming of Hitler by the EBE's, which in effect
- caused WW II (the decision of one man)...."
- This, to this individual was a very deep statement -- and it was literally
- glossed over, and I believe very few really looked at in in any great depth.
- Why? Because it appeared to be so "off the wall". At certain intervals durring
- the interveiw, Fenwick is having a difficult time attempting to express the
- situation as he perceives it. My first impulse, prior to even being involved
- with ParaNet was to get down to the heart of the matter, and challenge Fenwick
- in the claims he made. But I didn't (Tom's board went down). Although his
- interview seems so highly "unusual", I have perceived some things in the
- interview which play a major undercurrent in the entire UFO scenario. There are
- constant dredgings of the Hitler programming theme followed with various
- religious implications. Yet nobody has offered to look directly into the
- motivation behind Hitler, and the belief systems which pushed Hitler and other
- Europeans onward.
- In order to gain any benefit from this file, although their may be
- mentionings of many things such as Judeo/Christians, Aryans, Nazi's, it is
- important to view these things as a motivational factor which drive men to do
- the things they do. There are tendencies towards "blind acceptance". The word
- "acceptance" itself is indicative of belief. However, "understanding" indicates
- knowledge of the mechanisms behind things. All of us, who are interested in
- the phenomena itself, are trying to come to an understanding... As we attempt
- to understand, we are then forced to look at things from various angles. This
- file is not the sum total of angles, and is only offered in an attempt to
- present a small facet of the phenomena itself.
- Let's examine some interesting things about the Third Reich from non UFO
- Sources --- and then ask ourselves, again, "WHAT Started World War II?"
- "The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide"
- by Robert J. Lifton (C) 1986
- Extreme rumors spread through the camp about Block 10. Prisoners considered it
- a "sinister place" of mysterious evil. There were widespread rumors that
- Clauberg was conducting experiments in artificial insemination, and women were
- terrified of having "monsters" implanted in their wombs. Some suriviors I spoke
- to believed that those experiments actually occured. Another account had
- Clauberg speaking of his intentions to carry out artificial-insemination
- experiments in the future. There were also rumors of a "museum" on Block 10:
- "Skulls, body parts, even mummies"; and one survivor insisted, "A friend...saw
- ... our Gymnasium [high school] teacher stuffed [mummified] on Block 10."
- Again, anything was possible, and whatever occured there was likely to be a
- manifestation of the Nazi racial claim.
- -- page 271
- * Himmler's vision had varying gradations of abusrdity and pesudo science. For
- instance, he was an ardent believer (as were Hitler and Goring) in such
- expressions of mystical racism as the idea that the lost continent of Atlantis
- had been the original homeland of the Aryans, and that Aryans had not evolved
- from monkeys or apes like the rest of mankind but had descended to earth from
- the heavens where they had been preserved in ice from the beginning of time.
- Himmler, in fact, in 1937 established a meteorological division in the
- Ahnenerbe (see pages 284-87) to "prove" his "cosmic-ice" theory, though
- publicly the purpose of the new division was announced as developing new
- techniques for long-range weather preidiction. Sympathetic to nature healing
- and equally ardent critic of traditionalism and "Christian" prejudices of
- establishment doctors, he could view human experimentation in concentration
- camps as a form of liberation from these constraints in the name of bold
- scientific innovation.
- -- footnote Page 279
- AHNENERBE (pages 284-87)
- Anthropological Research: Specimens for a Museum
- Block 10 played an important part in a form of "anthropological research"
- that was among the most grotesque expressions of the Nazi biomedical vision.
- Dr. Marie L. tells of its Aushchwitz beginnings:
- "There appeared [on block 10] a new protagonist of racial theories. He chose
- his material by having naked women of all ages file ... in front of him. He
- wanted to do anthropological measurements ... He had measurements of all the
- parts of the body taken ad infinitum ... They were told that they had the
- extraordinary good fortune to be selected, that they would leave Auscheitz to
- go to an excellent camp, somewhere n Germany ... [where] they would be very
- well treated, where they would be happy."
- Dr. L. had seen enough of Auschwitz to suspect the terrible truth ("I told
- myself immediately,..."They are going to a museum'"), though she and others
- refrained from saying so because they "lacked the courage", felt it would be
- more kind to remain silent, and could not in any case be certain of their
- suspicion.
- These women were taken to the concentration camp at Natzweiler, near
- Strasbourg, which although not designated as an extermination camp, nonetheless
- possessed its own gas chamber with the usual false showerheads as well as one
- additional feature: a one-way mirror that allowed those on the outside of the
- gas chamber to observe those inside. This mirror had been installed because
- the gas chamber itself had been constructed as part of the necessary research
- equipment.
- A prisoner doctor reported that the group of Auschwitz women (thirty - nine
- of them according to their records) were given a sham phsycial examination for
- reassurance, then gassed, and then the corpses were immediately transported to
- the anatomy pavilion of the Strasbourg University Hospital. A French inmate,
- who had to assist the project's director, SS Captain Dr. August Hirt, told how
- "preservation began immediately" with the arrival of bodies that were "still
- warm, the eye ... wide open and shining." There were two subsequent shipments
- of men, from each of whom the left testicle had been removed and sent to Hirt's
- anatomy lab.
- Hirt, a professor of anatomy, had under Himmler's instructions prepared the
- cyanide salts used to kill the Auschwitz prisoners in what was the inaugrural
- use of the new gas chamber. He had originally advocated in a memo to Himmler
- the securing of skulls of captured "Jewish-Bolshevik commissars." The goal at
- that time was to "acquire tangible scientific research material" that would
- "represent ... a repulsive but typical speices of subhumanity." The memo
- recommended that a "junior phsycician attatched to the Wehrmacht" first take
- photographs and perform various measurements and studies on subjects while
- still alive, make sure that the head is not damaged in the killing, and then
- take other specific measures for preserving the head and shipping it to the
- designated research institute where various studies could be performed on the
- skull and brain including those of "racial classification" and "pathological
- features of the skull formation." In locating two ultimate evils (Jewish and
- Bolshevik) in members of that group, and anticipating specific anatomical
- findings in their skulls or brains, the Nazis were acting upon the most extreme
- blend of racial-biomedical and political ideology.
- But there were apparently difficulties in rounding up "Jewish-Bolshevik
- commissars" and possibly in severing heads, so that it was decided to make use
- of full skeletons rather than merely skulls and to collect specimens in the
- place where any such task could be accomplished -- neamely, Aushwitz. It was
- said that 115 people were victimized in this way, all Jews (79 men, 30 women)
- with the exception of 2 Poles and 4 Central Asians. The relatively high
- priority of the project is suggested by EIchmann's having been involved with
- it's arrangements. The whole enterprise, bizarre even by Nazi standards, was
- sponsored by the Ahnenerbe ("ancestral heritage") office of the SS, which
- Himmler had created in 1939 to develop "historical" and "scientific" studies of
- the "Nordic Indo-Germanic race." Ahnenerbe brought mystical concepts to science
- ("the unity of soul and body, mind and blood') and combined the Gestapo mission
- of controlling Germany's intellectual life with Himmler's visionary ideas. It
- supported projects in archeology, German racial consciousness outside of
- Germany proper, and medical experiments in concentration camps. Under Himmler's
- order, Ahnenerbe even came to sponsor a research program making use of Jewish
- mathematicians in concentration camps to work out theoretical problems of
- rocket production. Experiments in camps that it sponsored included Dr. Sigmund
- Rascher's notorious research in Dachau on the effects of high altitude, in
- which he wantonly killed experimantal subjects: and the still more murderous
- work of Schuler in Buchenwald on typhus vaccines, in which six hundred people
- were killed.
- Hirt was said to have been brought into the Ahnenerbe by a man who became
- his assistant in the Strasbourg project -- Bruno Beger, an SS officer on
- Himmler's personal staff who had been sent to study anthropolgy in Berlin.
- Beger tended to embrace Himmler's wildest theories, and it was Beger who made
- the original arrangements in Auschwitz and perhpas worte under Hirt's name the
- extraordinary memo I have just quoted.
- A former ardent Nazi, who remembered Hirt as a good friend and colleague
- during their days together as young instructors at a leading German medical
- center, described him as originally Swiss but a naturalized German, "a Nordic
- type with blue eyes and fair hair," an honorable and stable man even if at
- times a "bit impulsive," and an excellent anatomist with a promising academic
- career. A colleague of my own in the United States, however, who had studied
- under Hirt, remembered him as a very arrogant and threatening Nazi. In any
- case, there is no dout about either Hirt's passionate Nazi involvement or the
- centrality of the Nazi biomedical vision in his participation in the "museum"
- project, even if Beger was its driving force. (Pricesly that centrality was
- what Hirt's old friend wished to deny in his insisence that Hirt's entire
- behavior could be understood as an expression of the callouseness of the
- anatomist.)
- Toward the end of the war, there was apparently some confusion about
- whether and how much to continue with research procedures, and eventually the
- evidence was ordered to be destroyed. But that process could not be completed,
- and French forces liberating Strasbourg found in Hirt's dissection room "many
- wholly unprocessed corpses," many "partly-processed corpses," and a few that
- had been "defleshed ... late in 1944," and their heads burned to avoid any
- possibility of identification -- with "special care taken to remove the number
- tattooed on the left forearm." Hirt himself disappeared at that time and is now
- known to have killed himself shortly aferward.
- This museum project is remarkable for its merging of Himmler's racial vision
- with highly concrete, pseudo-scientific anthropoligical (Beger) and medical
- (Hirt) participation -- all a logical outgrowth of the Nazi biological and
- political mentality.
- ---------------------
- I ran across this book, just by chance at the local Mall. I happened to just
- open the book up to the above chapter dealing with Ananarbe. It rather stuck in
- my mind for several various reasons. First of all, the mood generated by the
- accounts of what occured at the Museum reminded me of abductee horror stories
- about body parts, examinations, genetic experiments.
- Also, it appeared that the SS Museum was an inactment at the objective level of
- the subjective experience that many abductees report. The "High Strangeness"
- brought to a reality, in order to correct a "failed experiment" (inferior
- humans, as viewed through the eyes of the Nazis). The "High Strangeness" is
- brought out in numerous publications. Whitley Strieber had written about it in
- his "Communion". Bud Hopkins utilizes it to demonstrate what he feels, to be
- continual contact by alien intelligences. The Lear/Cooper camp creates the
- scenarios of alien undergound bases, collection of human specimens,
- mutilations, and the governments knowledge of these "secret pacts" and their
- desire to hide them from American citizens. Invaribaly, something "spiritual"
- always occur to these individuals who have had the experience. Then Fenwick and
- prior to him, the JWHITE files were circulated. Check your "local" ParaNet
- board for them, if you choose to research into this further.
- Does this neccessarily, however, prove that Hitler was programmed by EBE's? If
- we think along the lines in which Lear would like us to think, and Fenwick
- expands upon, we could almost imagine that our government made a pact with
- Lucifer in exchange for technology, and saw the error of their way too late.
- The exchange, would be the "souls" of American Citizens, and of course, with a
- country which boasts of the Motto "In God We Trust", indeed would merit the
- effort to coverup the situation at all costs. It would be rather embarrasing to
- admit that a country which has such claims as The United States does, in
- regards to it's relationship with it's God, that it could conceivably be so
- decieved, as to imagine these "aliens" as being true representatives of God.
- However, if one were to look at it from a logical point of view, if there were
- to be influence exherted over the world, the United States would be the best
- place to "set up reconnaissance" zones, as it does have the resources available
- to achieve various ends, along with the afforded "freedoms" to allow the
- operation to continue without notice. It would be ironic to discover that
- these freedoms could very well be the tool which these "aliens" are utilizing
- to gain a good grip in our social structures.
- What I find highly interesting about what Fenwick has to say about Hitler, is
- the programming of Hitler. Was Hitler programmed? Or could he have been
- mesmerized by a belief system that was growing in great proportion durring that
- era?
- The 1800's had some rather intriguing events in it. Durring that era, fresh
- from the termoil the "Middle Ages" spawned, with full emergence from control
- over a ruling theocratic organization that did everything within it's power to
- bring things under subjection in the "Name of God", politicaly, religiously,
- and including the ability to freely exchange knowledge, what occured appears to
- be somewhat natural, in regards to the emergance of "Freedom of Speech and
- Expression of THoughts". Led to extremes, like children who are suddenly
- released from two weeks of being grounded, what resulted? Confusion, chaos,
- war, and bloodshed. Anger towards "god" (which in reality was earthly
- institutions) Rebellion against this conflict inspired Marx. It also brought
- "metaphysics" and "secret societies" more into the open. Men were once again
- allowed the freedom to grow in the exchange of information, along with the
- development of sciences without fear of being placed under an edict, or drug
- before the Inquisitors for heretic behaviour. Many theologens, philosophers and
- social psychologist look back upon this era as the "beginning of the end".
- Theologins blame philosophy for the degredation of society, yet, on the other
- hand, the philosophers blamed the theologins for suppression. These conflicts
- continue today, just as they did then. Things have not changed.
- In the United States, great religious revivals were spawned. Of these, most
- noteably, was Brigham Young who led his followers through the wilderness to
- Utah. Durring this era a group of Bible students were waiting for the physical
- arrival of the "prophets" of old, (these later became the Jehovah's Witnesses).
- The 7th day Adventist Movement begun, and Protestentism begun to flourish,
- bringing with it Democracy, and it's economical and political way of life which
- transformed the world into what it is today. Durring this era, the occult
- explosion hit America, and durring this time, H.P. Blavasky organized the
- Theosophical Society. Many could state that this is the beginning, but is it?
- To look for absolutes would be an encyclopediac undertaking, and cannot be
- achieved within a single file! So we will content ourselves with this era,
- since it itself appears to play an important factor in the minds of many who
- create the phenomena scenario we are presented with today. From LEAR in the
- prelude to his file, to George Hunt Williamson who claimed the "Visitants"
- had been attempting to indoctrinate the world to a new way of life since the
- 1800's. (Road In The Sky (C) 1959 p.246).
- The curiosity of the world was limitless, as archeological digs begun, in
- efforts to understand many mysteries that could otherwise not be explained. The
- pyramids became popular durring that era, the phenomena of the South American
- Empires, and the discovery that Europe, Africa, China and India where not the
- sum total of what had been at one time great civilizations. Durring all of this
- exploration, they discovered many common things which then created more wonder
- as to wether or not the things they were led to believe in were actually true.
- Old legends led many to wonder, just what occured in the past. Under Blavasky's
- funding, a Mr. James Churchwald set out on a quest to discover just what the
- "true religion" may have been. From here, tales of Mu, Lamaria, and Atlantis
- came to the fore. These inquiries always led to some speculation that the
- United States could very well have been the "Motherland" which was laid waiste
- due to some ancient catastrophy.
- We could, politicaly, and moraly, based upon our own standards, view the system
- which motivated Hitler as brutal, barbaric, and uncalled for. Yet, we fail to
- see that this very type of religious motivation is the medium which drives
- the MidEastern terrorists in vindicating themselves in the name of Allah, their
- God. This type of zeal pushed the Inquisitors foreward in mass killings in
- order to purge the land of "infidels" -- the psychology of a Jihid is very
- powerful and the Islamic Jihid is the very bases for the Dune science fiction
- story. The power behind a drug, a belief system, and politics. All drawn into
- one event, to drive the hearts of men onward to do deeds in the name of their
- god. If we strip away the politics of WW II, and look at the mood of the era
- which created the politics, one can wonder, just what started World War II? And
- where is the blame? And can we safely assume that Hitler was the single
- proginitor of the war? Close examination shows otherwise.
- What is very interesting about this point in time in history (1800's), is the
- open investigation of mesmerism, along with the rapid advance in electricity.
- Durring this era, the usage of drugs was common. Many things were allowed due
- to not fully knowing the full consequences of what could happen. These early
- efforts could be equaited with irresponsible children playing with things they
- ought not to because they didn't understand them. The cause and effect, were
- still under investigation. Things were done, just to see what would happen.
- Many things were attempted in efforts to understand something. However, this
- does not mean that they did not realize the effect --- Durring this time, the
- effect would be ignored usually with a motivation in order to understand.
- Today, we can think in terms of "mad scientists" doing all kinds of crazy
- experiments --- yet, these very things are the price we pay for advancement. We
- can say that we owe much to science. A debt. It is, however, a point of view,
- as to what this debt is and how it is being paid. The "Mad Scientists" of today
- are not the Boris Karloff grade B 1950's type. Today, they could very well be
- with us.... in the guise of "National Security", or perhaps "subversive
- activists".
- Today we have rumors and tales of Telsa, and his radio-magnetic energies.
- Today, we have settled for the form of electricity which we use in our homes.
- Today, we are being led to believe that Telsa's inventions were ridiculed and
- set aside, but there could be another very real possibility in why Telsa's
- achievments have never made it very far in the world of consumers. There is a
- great possibility that Telsa's discoveries had unusual effects upon the human
- mind, and with knowledge of this, kept "under wraps" and never made available
- for the consumers of energy and power. We know electromagnetics exist, yet we
- also know it is not utilized at the consumer level. My first question is, "What
- happened with Telsa technology? And just how widely was it used? Many things
- back in this era were utilized to "enhance" occult powers. There is a great
- coincidence in the rise of electricity, preoccupation with "magnetics", and the
- sudden increase in "occult" powers. Can we state that the "aliens" gave us our
- technology? Or is there per chance that we created the situation due to our
- technological advances? There is a tendency for all "contact" to be in
- accordance with the advances of the decade.
- Techno Drugs?
- In December 1988 issue of OMNI Magazine, the article entitled "Transending
- Science" deals with investigation of the TM experience. One excerpt of the
- article which was highly interesting, was Persingers work, in which he created
- a helmet, in which a computer was utilized to "contour" the electromagnetic
- forces which in turn manipulated the brain wave patterns of the temporal lobes.
- With this experiment, he discovered that with little effort, the subjects in
- the research could then be, with consistancy, brought into a subjective state
- in which they were then experiencing the abductee scene. It also took very
- little effort for Persinger to produce a UFO sighting.
- To determin the consistancy of this effect, he determined that it was more
- readily to occur while the individual was being subjected to the
- electromagnetic influence of the helmet. He also discovered that the
- participants found the experience highly pleasurable, and they wanted more. He
- also found that with very little effort after several sessions, tonal sounds,
- or various symbols would then put these subjects into the TM state without any
- effort on their part. In other words, Persinger indicated that with
- electromagnetics, it was possible to take different people and get them to see
- similar things while in the TM state.
- Is it possible, that these early 20th Century Scientists, still fresh from
- metaphysical schools of thoughts (which are the precursor to applied sciences)
- stumbled across the above experience and utilized it in their own occult
- practices?
- In another book, called "Mind Wars" (C) 1984 St. Martin's Press, Ron McRae
- decided to look into the possibility of government use of "psychic powers" in
- warfare. On Page 135-136, we find the following:
- "The second stage of the present psychic old war, according to Swann, is, "the
- many forms of external manipulations that are known to change the interior
- psychic formation of any man or woman...the most gross of these techniques was
- the early form of brainwashing, where subtle suggestion was enforced and
- embedded along with vicious and violent physical trauma. Since that time,
- however, we now have the refined techniques known as subliminal persuasion
- behavior modification and various forms of covert mind control."
- "Swann probably understates the second point. I have said little of these
- techniques, in part because many are electronic and not "psychic" in the
- gernerally understood sense, in part because little information is available,
- and in part for another reason -- security.
- "There is, according to the best sources, a real threat in the electronic
- manipulation of the human mind. The possibility arose from research that
- attempted to explain telepathy electrognetically. Unfortunately, although the
- researchers did not discover, as they sought, that thoughts could influence
- long-range electromagnetic radiation, they did discover that long-range
- electromagnetic radiation might influence the mind."
- "According to Barbara Honegger, "the fundamental reason for the increased
- interest" in psychic warfare, and the area where the Pentagon spends most of
- its estimated six-million-dollar annual budget for psychic or related research,
- "is initial results coming out of laboratories in the United States and Canada
- that certain amplitude and frequency combinations of external electromagnetic
- radiation in the brain-wave frequency range are capable of bypasing the
- external sensory mechanism of organisms, including humans, and directly
- stimulating higher-level neuronal structures in the brain. This electronic
- simulation is known to produce mental changes at a distance, including
- hallucinations in various sensory modalities, particularly auditory."
- ----------------
- When did these inquiries begin? As early as the 50's? 40's? 30's? Or should we
- move it back even further? And, is there the slightest possibility that
- electromagnetics in conjuntion with usage of drugs, noteably LSD, at some point
- in time in the past, could be a factor in "highly strange" experiences? Along
- with possible body chemistries?
- A book called "The Time Tables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and
- Events" by Bernard Grun, based upon Werner Stein's Kultufrahrplan, (C) 1982 has
- some interesting "linear scientific" achievments. Including electricity.
- 1819 Danish physicist Hans C. Oersted (1977 -1851) discovers electromagnetism
- 1821 Faraday discovers funamentals of electromagnetic rotation.
- 1829 American physicist John Henry (1797-1878) constructs an early version of
- the electromagnetic motor.
- 1831 Michael Faraday (1791 - 1867) carries out a series of experiments
- demonstrating the discovery of electromagnetic induction.
- 1831 James Clark Maxwell, Scottish Chemist who theorized (1873) that light
- and and electromagnetism have identical source, born (died 1879)
- 1832 Faraday proposes pictorial representation of electric and magnetic lines
- of force.
- 1833 K.F. Gauss and Wilhelm E. Wever devise the electromagnetic telegraph which
- funtions over a distance of 9,000 feet.
- 1851 Franz Neumann Law of electromagnetic induction.
- 1856 Nikola Telsa b. 1856 (d. 1943)
- 1865 Clerk Maxwell "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism"
- 1873 James Clark Maxwell "Electricity and Magnetism"
- 1888 Heinrich Hertz and Olviver Lodge independently indentify radio waves as
- belonging to same family as light waves.
- 1888 Nikola Telsa constructs electric motor (manufactured by Westinghouse)
- 1896 Ernest Rutherford megnetic detection of electrical waves.
- 1899 First magnetic recordings of sound.
- 1902 Oliver Heavside, English physicist, states the existence of an atmospheric
- layer which aids the conduction of radio waves.
- 1904 Sir John Fleming uses thermoinic tube to gernerate radio waves.
- 1910 J.J. Thomsons work on deflection of "positive rays" in magnetic field.
- (there are, of course, numerous mentionings of various works done in regards to
- electricity -- these, I highlighted. Reference the book for complete linier
- progress of technology durring the era).
- Back in the 50's, when UFO invasion appeared absolute in the minds of millions
- of Americans, there arose the UFO Prophets. Of the literature that I have read
- about these prophets, the works of Howard Menger's "From Outer Space" (C) 1959,
- and George Hunt Williamson's "Road In The Sky" (C) 1958, contain some
- interesting information. Even though these were considered after the passage of
- time a "hoax", there messages are thriving quite well these days. Menger,
- specificaly brought some interesting points up durring a Question and Answer
- session at the end of his book on Page 163. (For complete Question/Answer
- session in Menger's book, refer to MENGER.)
- The question is:
- "How are the visitors trying to raise the mass consciousness of the people?"
- Menger answers with:
- A. By various methods such as:
- a. Dissemination of saucer research data.
- b. Stories of contacts with their own.
- c. Their signs in the sky.
- d. Mechanically by means of mental capsulation and machines.
- Mental capsulation can be projected by sound, color, vibration. A
- high-frequency sound can be a mental capsulation; a song or a selection of
- music can be a mental capsulation.
- The machines which send out super-sonic high frequency sounds use a man's
- body as a terminal in conjunction with the mental capsulation. Ther are three
- terminal bodies in each state, The machines now operate on a silent carrier
- wave.
- ---------------
- Now, let's skip back a few pages and review Mengers reactions when he was
- given these "devices" by the "Space Brothers". On page 62 Menger writes:
- "Then they talked further of their many contacts all over the world and my
- job in particular."
- "One of my tasks was the mental assistance of individuals often without
- their knowledge. Such could be accomplished by soun-frequency waves, light
- waves, the use of colors and other physical means. I had alays thought of such
- matters as being accomplished in some supernatural manner; but I was rapidly
- learning that the Infinite Creator accomplished all purposes by natural laws."
- "'Do not think of this as some artificial control of the human brain,' one of
- the men said, "as you may see in some of those horrifying science-fiction
- pictures -- though I must confess that he (and he indicated the other man) and
- I aw two of them on a double picture (I assume he meant to say 'double
- feature') and rather enjoyed them. We do not control the brain. Such an action
- is not in keeping with the laws of the Infinite Creator. Instead, with
- theproper instruments and techniques, you can accomplish a much larger purpose:
- "The instruments in the car accomplished such tasks. I would be asked to
- place them in four states: New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland.
- With each intrusment would be aman or woman who would act as a human terminal
- in conjunction with the machine. These people would react according to their
- own individual brain development with the assistance of the impulses received
- by the machines."
- "I didn't quite understand how it was to work, but it seemed they were
- trying to get across that it was necessary to have both the machine and the
- human mind working in conjunction to accomplish such a purpose."
- "'A central location will be established for each instrusment. The range of
- each instrument is about 25 miles.'"
- "'After you place these instruments, Howard, you will notice an immediate
- and obvious effect. People within a raius of 25 miles of each instrument will
- automatically become more aware of and conscious of their interest in space
- travel and in our space crage. They will see more of our craft because they
- will be loOking up. Then when these people hear of your experiences, they will
- be inspired to come to you and offer to help you in any way they can."
- "They had already established many bases. The one in New Jersey was, they
- said, within 15 miles of my home, totally unknown to anyone, except, of course,
- those of this planet who had been working with the space people for many
- years."
- ------------
- Points to ponder. In the OMNI article on Persinger's work, it demonstrates
- that their are particular images which are consistant in the laboratory when
- exposed to electromagnetics. Is there a slight possibility, that perhaps an
- early form of electromagnetics was utilized to influence these individuals?
- Today, it is said, these "beams" are coming from outer space. Then, they were
- down on earth. They appear to be proportional to the technological advances of
- the day. Remember, Menger utilized BOLD CAPS himself, within his book when he
- said
- Of interest also, in Persingers research, is the ability to get people to
- see UFO's while under the influence of the electromagnetic helmet.
- In the book "Flying Saucers: Serious Business", (C) 1966 Frank Edwards has
- as a preface the following quote:
- "Flying Saucers exist only in the imaginations of the viewers."
- -- President Dwight D. Eisenhower
- December 16, 1954
- I ask, could this be literaly true? In light of possibilities in which such
- objects can be conjured from the dark recesses of the subjective mind on a
- consistant bases from the volunteers in research clinics, could we dismiss the
- possibility that Eisenhower was telling the truth? And could it be possible
- that the use of "imaginary" means the Government knew that they were not real?
- Could it possibily be true that the Condon report was true? Can it be, we are
- looking in the wrong place for the answers. And possibly the Government feels
- more comfortable with us thinking UFO's and aliens are responsible for the
- "intrusions"? If so, why would they wish to hide it?
- In the book "Mind Wars" McRea then writes, on pages 116-117:
- "According to Langley-Porter's Alan Gevins, who is generally cautious and
- skeptical of psychic claims, the reality may be worse. Extremely low frequency
- radiation (ELF), which the navy has proposed as a submarine communication
- system because the thousand-mile long wave forms are unobstructed by water,
- might be capable of shutting off the brain, killing everyone in 10 thousand
- square mile or larger target area. 'No one paid any attention to the biological
- effects of ELF for years," says Gevins, "because the power levels are so low.
- Then we realized that because the power levels are so low, the brain could
- mistake the outside signal for its own, mimic it [a process known as
- bioelectric entrainment], and respond when it changes.'"
- "It is possible the Soviets have actually tested this technique. The microwaves
- beamed at the U.S. embassy in Moscow might have been a test. The navy is still
- investigating an even more ominous possibility -- a rash of aircraft carrier
- crashes in 1980 and 1981 might have been caused by electromagnetic waves beamed
- at incoming pilots from the Soviet spy ships tha shadow the U.S. fleet. Even a
- tiny uncertainty, electronically induced at the last critical second before an
- aircraft touches down on the pitching deck of a carrier, might cause disaster."
- "I must stress that these results and speculations are tentative. Ther is no
- reason for panic, and the United States has INVESTED adequate resources to
- INVESTIGATION OF THE PROBLEM. There is no need for a psychic Manhatten
- Project." [bold caps inserted].
- ---------------
- Here we are told the United States has invested adequate resources to
- investigate the problem. In other words, can we then assume that a problem has
- been noted? At what level of investigation has the government undertaken in
- looking into the problem, and is it dealing with just the ELF situation? Or is
- there more? And what is the problem? Which agency, then, would be utilized?
- Could it possibly be HEW? (Health, Education and Welfare). In the past, the
- record of HEW's involvment with past experimentation seems to have been more
- then just lightly involved. By 1971 the court dockets were crowded with
- lawsuits filed on behalf of the "human guinea pigs" who were victims of
- research.
- The U.S. Congress, Senate, The Staff of the Subcommittee on Constitutional
- Rights, Committee on the Judiciary, "Individual RIghts and the Federal ROle in
- Behavior Modification", 93rd Congress, 2nd Session, Novemeber, 1974 was chaired
- by Senator Sam Ervin. It was largely ignored by the press, yet it revealed some
- interesting information. The report disclosed that thirteen projects were run
- by the Defense Department; the Department of Labor had conducted several
- experiments; the National Science Foundation conducted a "substantial amount of
- research dealing with understanding of human behavior"; even the Vetrens'
- Administration participated in psychosurgery experiments, which, in many cases,
- were nothing more than an advanced form of lobotomy.
- One of the largest supporter of "behaior research" was the Department of
- Health, Education and Welfare, and its subagency the National Insitute of
- Mental Health. The subcommittee said that HEW had participated in a "very large
- number of projects dealing with the control and alteration of human behavior."
- Largest of all the supporters of behavior modification was the Law Enforcement
- Assistance Administration (LEAA) which, under the Department of Justice, funded
- hundreds of behavior modification experiments.
- In 1975 the Rockefeller Report to the President on CIA Activities was released.
- Shortly there after, the Owens family were informed that their father Dr. Frank
- Owens did not die of suicide, in 1953, but that he had been administered LSD
- without his knowledge, and his death was concealed due to "National Security".
- The Rockefeller Report also contains information which, in 1973, a total of 152
- seperate files were ordered destroyed by the CIA. It is rather interesting, as
- the type of death that Ownes suffered, is high in similarity to the death of
- General James V. Forrestal, who also jumped to his death from a 16th story
- hospital window. It is said that Truman had quickly put the lid on the secret
- and turned the screws so tight that the general public still thinks that flying
- saucers are a joke. Lear then claims that Forrester's medical records are
- sealed to this day. Is there a possibility that Forrester could have been one
- of these "earlier" victims? Is it possible that due to this, Forrester's
- records are sealed? Why would they be sealed to this day, if it was "just a
- suicide"? Unless, of course, there is a need to coverup what CAUSED the
- suicide. Simple statements about "alien invasions" should NOT be accepted as
- being something that needs to be sealed, unless there was is a desire to hide
- the cause of death due to the interest of "National Security".
- (The Owens settlement can be found in Senate S.B. 3035)
- With the possibility of LSD the cause of Forrester's death, some may think it
- may have not been manufactured early enough to effect the era we are
- considering. However, it was being manufactured by Sandoz Laboratories since
- 1938, and accidently ingested by Hoffman in 1943. In 1950 it was introduced to
- American Psychiatrists. These things are being brought up in order to
- demonstrate that there have been capabilities on the Government's part to
- coverup. To some, this may appear to be unrelated and very disjointed, but it
- is being related to make a point. There is a slight possibility that some of
- the things that have been "uncovered" in the past could be directly related to
- things we are trying to "uncover today".
- Remember what the OMNI article states about how easy it is to utilize tonal
- sounds, symbols or colors to put one back into such a state? How then, does
- Menger describe the encapsulation method? Is there some fact in what Menger
- states in light of current clinical research?
- In the OMNI article, and other articles dealing with the abductee scenario,
- great care and concern are utilized to determin just how the experience is
- affected by audio/visual material, such as TV, the media, reading material,
- etc. But then, if we reflect upon what Menger states, what if the dissimination
- of information of contact with "our kind" has some merit? Is there some truth
- in this, and can we look at it as LEAR would like to have us believe, that we
- are being fed propoganda from various levels in order to solidify this
- acceptance? The same line of thinking which begun in the 50's continues with us
- today. Look at the following paragraphs garnered from Brad Steigers book
- "Fellowship" (C) 1988, Ivy Books, and see if the "thread" still holds true
- today, as it did back in the 50's.
- Page 85 (From Mark-Age Channeling Session)
- Each one is assigned, in a sense, to a certain individual upon the Earth planet
- at this time. We are alerted by the various methods we have of mind control in
- electonics and magnetic equipment -- terms which we use for your convenience
- which really do not explain our equipment -- and through these means, we know
- your present development.
- Page 98 (From Space Being OX-HO)
- "America right now is feeling the effect of the Karmic pattern of the Atlantean
- culture. Your young people are Atlanteans reborn to once again work out their
- Karma. They are filled to overflowing with the knowledge of the great
- civilization of Atlantis. Their arts and their scientific technology is greater
- than ever before, and you will begin to see this more and more distinctly."
- 1. Belief in an Infinite Creator (the All-Knowing-One, of the Space Beings) and
- in the Cosmic Christ, the Spritual heirarchy, and the Great White Brotherhood.
- The message today, is the same as yesterday. Are we being fooled by the
- government itself, or some belief system which transends our political systems?
- And are these really spiritual entities, human agencies, or combination of
- both?
- As of late, certain groups have been complaining that the United States has
- been "jamming their transmissions". If this is true, then the government is
- well aware of some type of influence being exerted over our airwaves and are
- attempting to stop it. If this is true, and due to the nature of such
- possibilities, they would not wish to have the American citizens know that such
- a thing would exist. And so, they would then attempt to "jam" the frequencies
- in an effort to counteract the effect. In fact, there were, in some circles,
- threats issued, that if the government did NOT stop the "war would begin". What
- would this entail? Short circuiting of brainwave patterns to create utter
- chaos? It is indeed rather ominous to think, that such a war could be fought
- with such intensity without our even knowing what on earth is going on.
- If we are being "manipulated" in any manner, is our government aware of it?
- Sometimes I wonder, although we may look back at the extremes of the McCarthy
- era, and the blacklisting of entertainers, screewriters and etc., if there
- could have been real reasoning behind the power of the media? We can now think
- of it as extremes, today, but then could there have been "hints" of concerns
- we are not aware of?
- Were there or are their indications that the idealisms which "created and
- programmed" Hitler spread beyond Europe? Various writers have brought out that
- yes, indeed these thoughts were not confined to Germany and the surrounding
- immediate areas.
- "The Legacy of The Gods"
- Robert Charroux
- Translated into english (C) 1974 by Berkley Publishing Corporation
- Original (C) 1964 by Robert Laffont, Inc.
- After their defeat in 1918 a few Germans, initiated into infernal occultism and
- intoxicated with racist pretensions, reorganized the Aryan society that became
- all the more secret becuase it was outside the law in all parts of the world.
- Their goal was to create a superior race; that is, a privelaged people who
- would subjegate and rule the rest of the world.
- In his successful book, "The Myth of The Twentieth Century", published in 1930,
- the talented writer Alfred Rosenberg stated the laws and philosophy of the
- Aryan champions. "To rule the world," he said, "it is enough to have pure
- blood."
- This new charter of the Aryan world was to be illustrated by rivers of blood,
- countless massacres, and mountains of corpses.
- Actually, however, Rosenberg had not invented anything. Identical ideas had
- been professed earlier by George Grant, Gobineau, Houston, Chamberlain, and
- later, the German Ludwig Wilset, in "Origin and Prehistory of The Aryans". And
- the French historian A. Pictet, in a work titled "Migrations Primitives des
- Aryas" had announced the advent of the master race: "In an era before any
- historical record, lost in the mists of time, a race destined by Provedence to
- dominate the entire world grew little by little in its primeval cradle,
- privileged above all others by beauty of blood and gifts of intelligence."
- The Thule Group was founded in 1910 by Professor Felix Niedner. Beginning in
- 1919, some outstanding adepts -- Baron Ungern von Sternberg, Karl Haushofer, a
- disciple of Guderjieff, the writer Deitrich Eckart -- gave it a new impetus
- and an emblem: the swastika, symbol of evolution, the rotation of the stars
- around the pole, and the creation of fire among the Hindus. (The swastika is
- actually a universal sign found amoung all peoples. It is carved on a stone
- lamp in the Madeleine cave, the tablets of Glozel, the stones of Moulin Piat,
- and the prehistoric ramparts of Mississippi, and it appears in the inscription
- on the Newton Stone in Scotland.)
- In his book L'Europe Paienne du Vingtieme Siecle," the historian Pierre Mariel
- writes that Deitrich Echart was Adolf Hitler's initiator and brought him into
- the Thule group in 1922.
- Hitler was in great financial difficulties and may even have been a homeless
- vagrant, but he was consumed with ambition, rancor, and sincere, frenzied
- idalism. He was also somewhat clairvoyant; he served as a medium for the
- conspiracy, which bacame increasingly enveloped in the mists of a dubious
- occultism.
- At the same time, similar movements were devloping on the European continent.
- In London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome there was clandestine publications
- containing an odd mixture of anarchism, spiritualism, "traditional research,"
- and eroticism.
- In about 1920 the Revue Balitque appeared in France. It examined the problem
- of the direct descendants of the Hyperborean ancestors: the Lithuanians, whose
- writing has so many points in common with Sanskrit.
- The magazine Les Polaires (Paris, 1921) had the ambition of resucitating the
- old myth of Hyperborea, but this kind of writing floursihed above all in
- Germany, with Niedner's "Altnordische Dichtung und Pros," Dietrich Echart's
- "Auf gut Deutch," and "Die Hanuseen Zeitung," published by the magician Eric
- Jan Van Hanussen, the man who is said to have replaced Hitler as the medium of
- the Thule Group, and who later became his semiofficial astrologer.
- Beginning in 1934, the Thule Group became a powerful secret society whose name
- was not to be known to the public or even candidates for admission. The latter,
- before their intiation, were given to understand that the organization was the
- secret Teutonic Order.
- This secret order had, of course, no connection with the real Teutonic Order,
- which still exists in Portugal and the Netherlands. Under the name of the
- Knights of Poseidon (still the ideas of knighthood and the western ocean of
- Atlantis), it has devoted itself to underseas adventure, and is surely in
- comunication with the THule Group. It has been said the Knights of Poseidon
- reprenst the temporal power of the German secret army, while the Thule Group is
- its spiritual power. This may be true.
- There were three aspects of the education given in the Ordensburger: military,
- similar to modern military and police academies; political; and occult, similar
- to the doctines of Gurdjieff. (George Ivanovich Gurdjieff [1868-1949], born in
- the Caucasus, was both an adventurer and an enlightened occultist. Whether he
- was a miracle-worker, a secret agent, or simply a charlatan, he proagated in
- Europe and America strange, murky, and fascinating doctrines that troubled many
- weak minds. Perhaps he had a certain genious, but if so he was never able to
- express it in his books, which are unreadable, inane, and incomprehensible. He
- did, however, influence certain spiritualistic sects.)
- In a Rhineland forest, amid tall firs, stands the white impressive Vogelsang
- castle which was the Ordensburg No. 1 of the THule Goup, with the main bureau
- of what would now be called psychological warfare.
- -------------
- The THULE Group itself, was rather active in world political affairs also.
- Below is a small excerpt to demonstrate this from a recognized writter outside
- of the UFO circls.
- "The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler"
- by Robert Payne
- Popular Library Paper Back Edition
- (C) 1973 Page 125
- The reaction set in swiftly, as the extreme right gatherd its forces. The
- headquarers of the reaction was the Hotel Vierjahreszeiten, where several
- floors were given over to the THule Society, ostensibly a literary club devoted
- to the study of Nordic culture but in fact a secret political organization
- devoted to violent anti-Semitism and rule by an aristocratic elite. The name of
- the organization derived from ultima THule, the unknonw northern land believed
- to be the original home of the German race. The society had been founded during
- the war by Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff, whose aristocratic prensions reposed
- on imaginary foundations. His real name was Rudolf Glauer, and he was the son
- of a railroad engineer: he was more aristocratic than the aristocrats. He had
- ingratiated himself into Munich society, large sums of monery were at this
- disposal, and many of the most influential people in Munich were his disciples.
- The symbol of the Thule Society was a swastika with a dagger enclosed in laurel
- leaves.
- Thule agents had penetrated the government; they were especially adept at
- foriegn documents and assembling cashes of arms and ammunition; they had
- powerful ties with the Freikorps, or Free Corps, the private armies led by
- rabid rightists, usually army officers supported by rich industrailists and
- they had begun to work among the industrial proletariat, especially among the
- railwaymen, because they realized that a successful counterrevolution could be
- brought about only by controling the means of transportaion. They were also
- working without much success on the Munich garrison troops, who continued to
- sit on the fence, observing the turmoil around them with extraordinary
- indifference.
- And here, a glimps at early beginnings in creating a "perfect race".
- From Page 23 , Footnote, The Nazi Doctors (C) 1986 by Robert Jay Lifton
- Fritz Lenz, a German physician-geneticist advocate of sterilization (later a
- leading idealogue in the Nazi progrom of "racial hygiene"), could, in 1923,
- berate his countrymen for thier backwardness in the domain of sterilzation as
- compared with the United States. Lenz complained that provisions in the Weimar
- Constitution (prohibiting the infliction of bodily alterations on human beings)
- prevented widespread use of vasectomy techniques; that Germany had nothing to
- match the eugenics research institutions in England and the United States (for
- instance, that at Cold SPring Harbor, New York, led by Charles B. Davenport and
- funded by the Carnegie Instituion in Washington and by Mary Harriman); and that
- Germany had no equivalent to the American laws prohibiting marriage both for
- people suffering from such conditions as epilepsy or mental retardation, and
- between people of different races. Lenz criticized America only for focusing
- too generally on preserving the "white race" instead of specifically on the
- "Nordic race" -- yet was convinced that the "next round in the thousand year
- fight for the life of the Nordic race will probably be fought in America." That
- single reservation suggests the early German focus on a specific racial entity,
- the "Nordic" or "Aryan race," however unsupported by existing knowledge.
- There had been plenty of racial-eugenic passion in the United States, impulses
- to sterilize large numbers of criminals and mental patients out of fear of
- "national degenration" and of threat to the health of "the civilized races,"
- who were seen to be "biologically plunging downward." Associated with the
- American eugenics movemnet was a biomedical vision whose exten is suggested by
- the following quotation from a 1923 book by A. E. Wiggam: "The first warning
- which biology gives to statesmanship is that the advanced races of mankind are
- going backward; ... that civilization, as you have so far administered it, is
- self-destructive; that civilization always destroyst the man that builds it;
- that your vast efforts to improve man's lot, instead of imporving man, are
- hastening the hour of his destruction". *
- * Footnote: In a 1932 study of the sterilization movements in the United
- States, J.P. Landman spoke of "alarmist eugenics" and of "over zealous and over
- ardent eugenicists" who "regard the socially inadequate persons, i.e., the
- feeble-minded, the epileptics, the meantally diseased, the blind, the deformed
- and the crminals as inimical to the human race ... [because] these peoples
- perpetuate their deficiencies and thus threaten the quality of the ensuing
- generations. It should be our aim to exterminate these undesirables, they
- contend, since a nation must defend itself against national degeneration as
- much as against the external foreign enemy."
- -------------
- Can we assume that these influences are truly "alien" or "supernatural
- intelligences"? Or can we really, and with great dare, question if in fact it
- is a resurected belief which is posing itself for a final strike? If we can
- remove the politics of the situation, and reflect upon the zeal in which
- religion has moved the political formations of the world we live in, reflect
- upon the many mysteries that concluded with the end of World War II, and can
- look beyond Hitler, maybe something is their "in the air" waging war over the
- minds of men. One can disolve political institutions, but as various belief
- systems in the world have proven time immorial, it is difficult to destroy the
- belief in and the practice of it. The belief itself can still survive
- irregardless of what political boundries it may reside in. Including the USSR.
- There is a great trend in regards to world viewpoints of Hitler, and the
- stigmatism of World War II. We cannot believe that such an individual was
- spawned naturally from the genetic pools of humanity. We cannot believe that he
- did not accomplish all these things alone. And we cannot dare believe that the
- thinking patterns of that era were also revelent here in the United States.
- Theologins would prefer to claim Hitler was Demon possessed, not laying claim
- to the errors of prior religious influences which spawned the rebellion. And
- could it be due to this, we skirt around valid questions? Nearly every book
- written about in regards to UFO's, at some point mention the Nazi's and their
- going "underground" to continue on. To think of the possibilities of this being
- so, one must remove the viewpoint of a political column, and think about the
- belief system which drove these onwards. These things just do not die. It may
- make us feel uncomfortable to think that during the 20's, the United States was
- the "leader" in eugenics which inspired Germany to increase it's own efforts
- until it reached the point of biological experimental sciences, eugenics and
- genocide. It may also make us feel uncomfortable to think that the "next
- struggle" could be here in the United States. But do we have the courage to
- examine it carefully?
- To what extent did this belief infiltrate other parts of the world? Could
- there have possibly been some measure of truth in Menger's claims? Or is this
- all just fabrication? He cut there hair, got them prepared to send out
- into the world. He would show them where the water supplies were, where the
- schools were. He said they didn't need any legal documents to remain in the
- country. This took up so much of his time, he couldn't keep up with his
- signpainter's business.
- Could there have been Ahnenerbe type experimentation in other parts of the
- world, including the United States? What is so special about the ages of 30-40
- years old? And why has it been said more then once that the "children are very
- important"? Was there an actual attempt to extend the "national heritage" to
- Germans outside of Germany and Europe? We, perhaps cannot rationalize the use
- of science to further a belief system. The intellect, however exists, and has
- existed for centuries, in which reasoning can lead men to do these things in
- order to appease their god.
- These are but a small portion of the various questions that arrise. Perhaps,
- these "threads" have very little real meaning. Yet, on the other hand, they
- could have real meaning. The complexities which could be built out of this, are
- indeed great. But, as with all things, they must be viewed with balance.
- If there is interest in this, perhaps I will create another file. Please take
- note, however, if indeed we are now being put to the test, today as it was
- yesterday, it is imperative to test all "spirits" (or, things in the air).
- ------------------